Welcome to Safe Home Foundation’s ‘Over The Horizon Project’!

We currently lease the plot of land on which we have the infrastructure to house and care for our stray / rescue dogs. Unfortunately, the lease is due to expire prior to April 2025 and we are therefore forced to relocate to new premises. The move is no small task and at the same time, should we lease a new plot of land, we will likely face the same situation in in the future once again.

We therefore would like to seize this opportunity to buy our own land plot as soon as possible and thus avoid this potentially recurring issue in the future. In addition, we also see the opportunity to expand the infrastructure of our shelter so that we can increase the number of stray/rescue dogs to one thousand in the future.

The ‘Over the Horizon’ Project Brochure sets out in detail our approach to the issue, including the proposed budget, infrastructure cost-reduction plans, as well as a whole range of fund-raising proposals.

A kick-off meeting took place at the Planet Hollywood Hotel in Thane, Mumbai, India, in December 2023. Steven Bukvic, the lead project team adviser met with Saruhasan and Naveeth from the Safe Home Foundation to finalize the project resulting in the accompanying project brochure below.

From Left To Right – Naveeth, Steven & Saruhasan

The proposed land plot will include infrastructure to house approximately 1,000 stray/rescue dogs, a veterinary clinic, as well as other essential buildings. Refer to the detail project plan within the project brochure.

The cost of the land plot is estimated at 60,000 USD and is the single biggest expense for the project. We have already secured a private donor who has pledged the funding to build the first block to house approximately 100 dogs. This is a truly great start to our project!

Time is of the essence due to the pending termination of the lease. We urgently need your help as a potential donor to either help us raise the necessary funds to purchase the land (in the name of the non-profit organization) or to help us identify potential donors who are in a position to help us achieve our target.

Please kindly donate here to help us achieve the goals of Over The Horizon Project.

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[email protected]
Thank you for your kind attention and your support to help the stray / rescue dogs in and around Madurai City.

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